Recipe Section

This section contains recipe related options with many sub-sections

Recipe Listing Options

1 - You can add/control the sub-heading of the recipe listing template.

2 - You can control the per page recipes for listing template.

3 - You can select if the Grid or List view should be default for your recipe listing area.

4 - You can also control if you want to show Ingredient and Nutrients boxes on each listing item.

Recipe Detail Options

1 - You can add/change the title for this page which is visible in the banner.

2 - You can select the recipe area header style from two given options. This are contains the title of the recipe and gallery slider with some additional information.

3 - You can show/hide recipe timings on this template.

4 - You can select the design view for this area from two given options.

5 - You can show/hide Shopping List option, Recipe Tags, and Social Icons. You can also control the social icons from the given options.

6 - You can show/hide the chef details and also can control the title for this area.

7 - You can show/hide the related recipes area. You can also select the title for this area, control the number of related recipes and manage how you want to show the related recipes using drop-down options.

8 - The comments show/hide control and title for that area is also available.

Recipe Submit Template Options

1 - You can select the recipe submit page form give dropdown. It is a necessary option if you want to make this front end recipe submit functionality work.

2 - You can select if you want to make the recipe automatically published or keep it pending for approval from the admin.

3 - You need to provide an email ID to receive the notifications for each submitted recipe.

4 - You can make the description required if you want.

5 - You can control the different sections if you want to show those. The list is given below.

6 - You can also control the visible text of Submit button, Edit button, Pre login title, Pre login message, and Success message for each recipe.

My Recipe Template Options

1 - You need to select the page for My Recipes template work properly on the front-end.

2 - You can choose how many recipes per page you want to display.

3 - There is a delete option available on My Recipes template. If you allow users to delete the recipes directly from there then you can enable force delete option. If you first want to review what is deleted then you can turn it off.

Save Recipe Option

Save recipe functionality is just like adding a recipe to favorites to keep it for future reference. You can do the following from this options page.

1 - You can enable/disable the save recipe functionality.

2 - You can force the login requirement if this functionality should be visible only for logged in users. If it is 'not required' then other visitors will see the save button as well. The saved recipes from visitors will be saved in cookies for some days. If they don't login and leave it then the cookie will be distroyed after some time.

3 - You need to select the page to show save recipes for the users. Make a new page and assign it the save recipe template. Then come to this option and select that page from here.

4 - You can allow visitors to save recipes in different categories. Allowing that will show two more options.

5 - You can add your own fixed categoreies for save recipes. User can select from those categores to save recipes in.

6 - You can allow users to create their own categories to save recipes in.